Ball Bench Press

-Peanut Ball used ______
-Round Ball used ______ (shown)

-Position yourself on the ball as shown (be sure to have weights in hand(s) prior to getting on the ball).

- Your head, shoulders, hips, knees, should form a straight line (hips should not sag).

-Your low back should not be arched and your head should be on the ball.

-This exercise can be more challenging on balance if feet are closer together.

Competency Criteria

 Client is able to maintain a straight line between neck, hips, and knees (hips don’t sag).

 Head remains on ball during exercise.

Client performs exercise with feet together (less than a foot apart).

Client performs with feet far apart (1 foot or more apart).

Client performs Press with 2 hands.

Client performs Press w/alt arms.

Client performs Press with 1 hand.