Standing Rotational Push/Pull
(on Keiser)

-Align both movement arms at approximately shoulder level.

-Grab each pulley with each hand and stand sideways (& in the center) of the Keiser machine.

-Push with one arm while simultaneously pulling with the other creating a rotation at the hips (Tip: the pushing arm should be closest to the machine & cable under forearm).

-The torso and hips should generate the movement and the arms “go for the ride”.

-You can also integrate a squatting motion during the push/pull.

-Repeat exercise so the opposite push/pull sequence occurs.

-Increase velocity after technique has been mastered.

-Beginners may want to discourage any rotation at the hip and torso, this will promote core stability. Later, progress to rotation of hips and torso during the push/pull.

Competency Criteria

Client maintains balance & doesn’t extend or flex trunk during entire movement.

If squatting, knees don’t bow in.