Prone on Stability Ball
Alternate Hip Flexion
-Place both elbows on stability ball and your toes on the floor, with your knees straight.
-Flex your hip and knee toward stability ball without losing balance and maintaining pelvis parallel with the floor (note any R/L differences).
- Maintain a pelvic neutral position (do not let hips sag or allow low back to arch).
-Bring leg back to starting position, and repeat with other leg.
-Neck remains in axial extension (chin tuck).
Note: The larger the ball (65-75 cm),the easier this exercise will be.
Competency Criteria
Pelvis remains parallel with floor during flexion of hip (ie, Hips do not rotate).
Lower back does not arch during the entire exercise.
Shoulder blades remain down and protracted throughout exercise.
Maintains chin tuck.