Web site designed by Michael Sylvester & hosted at Homestead™
Mike is one of the best trainers around for functional training.

The video on your left is an exercise I prescribe to patients that challenges the core in rotation. This engages deep rotational core muscles as well as oblique abdominals in a transverse plane. It does not load the spine like seated or standing rotational exercises.
Be sure to keep the thighs vertical and your knees and ankles together with this exercise. Not all patients can do this, but to those who can, it is a missing link in core training. ENJOY.
Input From Other Health Care Professionals
Hello, my name is Michael Curnen, Licensed Physical Therapist.

I worked with Mike when he was employed at
the Metro-West Wellness Center in Framingham, Massachusetts.

The videos on your left are a series of exercises called the SIDE BRIDGE.  Each exercise is in a progressive sequence. These exercises are designed to improve core stability, particularly in the frontal plane. In other words, they work the muscles on the side of the trunk & hips.
Hi, my name is
Dr. Scott Gillman.
I am a sports chiropractor (see www.drgillman.com)

I am delighted to appear on
Mike's website.
Video coming soon.
Video coming soon.